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Become a New Patient By Enrolling into a Wellness Program
Monthly Fee:  $80 (Adult), $40 (Child), $20 (Child w/ Adult Member)
Monthly Fee:  $280 (Adult), $220 (Child) 


Fee: $450 per individual

Time: 45 min face-to-face visit plus pre-visit preparation

  • Some prospective patients desire a  more-indepth, face-to-face medical consultation to obtain a clearer sense of Dr. Caccopola's approach to their individual medical conditions before enrolling.

  • Discovery Consultations are allowed one-time, pre-enrollment.

  • Complete medical history forms must be completed before scheduling this consultation.  These will be reviewed prior to your visit. 

  • Dr. Caccopola will answer any questions and provide feedback to your specific health inquiries and/or lab results.

  • Discovery visits are 45 min and do not include a physical exam

  • If prospective patients desire medical records/labs be reviewed before this consultation, then a charge of $75 per 15 min of review time will be added to the consultation fee. 

  • If a patient subsequently enrolls into a Wellness program, then $225 credit will be applied to offset initial enrollment fee.

  • This time is reserved specifically for you. Please provide 48 hrs notice to avoid $225 cancellation fee.

  • Missed time or late arrivals will still be charged full amount

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